
Our Solutions

Sell your product abroad 

  • Export Clients will provide you with a market scan, identify trade leads and potential clients!
  • Export Clients offers a team of sixteen experienced consultants, each covering a region. We started in 2001 in, successfully helping small companies in getting results in international business
  • You will get a personal account manager for your product
  • All consultants have at least 15 years of business to business trading experience across Europe, the United States, Asia and Africa
  • We have direct access to buyers, sellers, importers and exporters, marketing data and an updated database containing 276,354 international companies worldwide
  • We will provide a tailor-made service package
  • Eliminate costly errors
  • Specific training and coaching
  • Free listing in our international database, the European Trade Network
  • Inform us of about your product and what you are looking for !